6. June 2023 horizoom GmbH

Look into the future with horizoom!

New online access panel provider for digital market research
Former GapFish managers on the management board
ISO-certified Swiss intervista AG in the circle of shareholders
New online access panel provider for digital market research
Former GapFish managers on the management board
ISO-certified Swiss intervista AG in the circle of shareholders

We are very pleased to announce the launch of horizoom GmbH and the associated online access panel “horizoom-Panel”.

people first.

horizoom, as a data-driven online access panel provider, aims to create quality, service and real added value for customers. This is to be achieved by horizoom’s commitment to fair and respectful treatment of people in accordance with its slogan “people first”: Panelists, customers, employees. “Only the combination of appropriate incentives, the best possible user experience, as well as personal support in strict compliance with professional law and data protection can ensure the sustainable and future-proof operation of online panels as well as honest and committed responses – and lead to valuable and reliable insights,” explains Jonathan Heinemann, Chief Sales Officer.

The horizoom team is made up of Jonathan Heinemann, Malte Friedrich-Freksa, Rahel Bonhommet and Thomas Karstens as managing partners – all former managers of GapFish GmbH, which was acquired by Cint in 2021. horizoom will remain in partnership with GapFish and Cint, and will be able to use their panels as needed and requested by customers.

“An important day for us. We are happy that we can continue to vouch for first-class service with our experienced team of experts at horizoom,” says Malte Friedrich-Freksa, Chief Innovation Officer. “The digital transformation of market research will also be a central task at horizoom: to combine future-proof technology and sound consulting based on our premium panel world.”

“Our products Sample or Participant Recruitment, Services and Questionnaire Programming, Partner Panel and Data Solutions are based on the scalable and programmatically expandable tech stack of the ISO-certified Hamburg-based Ingress GmbH, which we will gradually combine with further software solutions and add our own features,” CTO Thomas Karstens describes the roadmap. “One building block, for example, is the AI quality control from ReDem®, whose ReDem® score we use not only for data cleansing at survey level, but also for quality scoring at panel level.”

“The name horizoom came from the composition of horizon and zoom,” explains Rahel Bonhommet, who is responsible for People & Culture and Finance. “So with horizoom, we want to look into the future. Into the future of digital data collection and modern corporate management characterized by trust, empathy and flat hierarchies.”

Independent and present locally on site

The online access panel of horizoom GmbH was launched a few days ago and is targeting a size of 50,000 active panelists by the end of the summer. In addition, the establishment and operation of partner panels on behalf of customers is being planned. Furthermore, horizoom has a strong network of national and international partners, through which panels can be recruited on demand and at the request of customers.

horizoom GmbH is owner-managed and independent with 12 employees and has its headquarters in Berlin as well as an additional presence in Cologne. In addition to the four managing directors, the group of shareholders also includes the Swiss full-service institute intervista AG, which was founded in 2010, is owner-managed and certified according to ISO 20252:2019.